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Friday, May 30, 2008

Abstinence programs don't work - preach safe sex, not no sex.

About a year ago, I remember watching one of the prime time news shows and hearing about this new study on abstinence programs, like the ones where the kids wear "promise rings" that mean that they won't have sex until marriage. Well, the survey concluded that, at the end of the day, the programs were completely useless. I found an article about it here. At the end of the day, kids involved in such programs popped their cherries at the same age as the kids who didn't. They also have just as high, and in some cases higher, rate of unwanted pregnancies and STI's. The government wastes $176 million annually on such programs. Coupled with another study that said that 1 in every 4 high school girls has an STI, you have to ask where we fucked up.

At the end of the day, kids are going to have sex, regardless of whatever kinds of things grown ups shove down their throats. So it would be much more useful to educate them on safe sex, birth control, and contraceptives for their own benefit and well being. If a kid doesn't know how to properly use a condom, then you can't blame them when they come home with a kid of their own. You can, however, blame yourself for sticking your fingers in your ears and pretending like teenage sex doesn't happen. You could also ignore grizzly bears and hangnails, but that won't make them go away. Education is the key, not ignorance.

Oh yeah, baba booey baba booey.

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