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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Appreciating Aloysius Snuffleupagus

Not unlike many of my ilk, I feel like much of the success I've achieved can be accredited to one source: Sesame Street. Life on the street was tough. Drugs, pregnancy, giant yellow birds with imaginary friends. It was a daily struggle to keep your neck above the water, and thanks to the gang, many a child earned their degree from the school of Hard Knocks and learned to read in the process.

So, in appreciation, I salute you, Mr. Aloysius Snuffleupagus. You were big, tough, and for a while, merely a figment of Bird's imagination. If we learned one thing, it was that if you want your best friend to kick that heroin habit, then quit pretending like they don't fucking exist. It's okay Snuffy, we'll always love you.

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