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Thursday, April 17, 2008

why i started "the kite eating trees"

it seems that today, blogs are like the new opinions, which, at their inception, were like the new assholes: not only did everyone have one, but it took a lot for anyone to care to see it. as it is, however, it's kinda hard not to have one.

so there's a few points to my blog. first, to practice my writing. nextly, i feel that blogs are a great way for people to share their passions with the world. for me, my blog will be a platform for me to get up and yell to the world about all the things in music, film, and street fashion that not only do i care about, but i think other people should as well. and of course, blogs are the soapboxes of the 21st century: movie reviews, little known news stories, pretty much anything i care about, i'll scream about, at the top of my lungs. and i can share film projects i do with my friends.

fuck it. i'll just let the damn thing speak for itself.

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